Privileged white race owned in Wikipedia

Its used just as often if not more often to describe 'pride' not 'superiority', people just misunderstand anything an average white pride person talks about and twist it as hitler esque or demeaning to other races. black pride and mexican pride people can be racist criminals who hate whites but it isnt as important to tumblr kids because they dont have 'the power', even though the rest of the world is completely racist towards 'white westerners'. what a joke. everyone can see through this, it would not be racist to describe these bad things in the wikipedia but to describe it as purely a 'slogan' used 'primarily by racists' in the first sentence while saying every other type of pride is positive and just a stance is retarded. most people i know who are proud of being white are proud of the things that their white ancestors did and they are proud to continue their line, believe in protecting their identity, etc. Your ancestors genes live through you, it is about being proud of who you are..Just look at what white people/europeans have done, its amazing and why wouldnt you be proud? And White pride in the sense of 'standing tall against opression' is real too, look at south africa where you can be killed in brutal ways for having white skin, or even look at what happens to white travellers in foreign lands, or even white people in their own countries in europe. These people want to be proud of who they are in the face of people who hate them and are literally trying to kill them. but hey, i checked the whole wiki page for 'white pride' and didnt see a word about normal pride or any of this extra stuff..only 'racism', 'hate', 'blah blah blah', when it isnt even that simple..

btw, all the 'bad' shit white people have done as a whole is still nothing compared to what goes on in the rest of the world. and your kidding yourself if you dont think racism is a part of most genocides. you have just as much right to be proud of being white as an asian does being an asian or a black being a black. Fuck you liberals, fucking control freaks.

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