Pro-Life people of reddit, if abortion was stopped what would be the plan to ensure the welfare of the possibly thousands of neglected/unwanted children?

Pro life here. Haven't seen any responses from my camp so here are my thoughts.

Unfortunately I don't believe I can answer this question for you. Now before you cry "cop out" here is my reasoning:

1.) I'm simply not equipped. I don't have the knowledge to tell you effective proposal for an influx of children.

2.) (and I beg your pardon) but this is a loaded question. Any answer I give will clearly be insufficient. If I say we should operate through the existing state run childcare programs I'll be told they are insufficient. Reforming them would be impossible. Privatizing such an industry has clear risks and increasing government involvement puts an added burden on taxpayers. Any option can be shot down. Y anyone who believes otherwise.

So with no clear solution we ask (and now comes the real question) "why are you pro life?" Well at least for me it is a moral and spiritual issue. Who can say where life begins? The nature of the soul? Humanity and selfhood are so differently defined by so many is it impossible to believe these things begins at conception or at least during the period of time in the womb? Any spiritual believe system supposes much more radical concepts, even that of a vague will or ordering to the universe. If one believes in no such spiritualities and only in the provable, fixated facts of life, I suppose there is no reason for you to agree with that assessment at all. But that is another debate entirely.

On a personal level I am believer in Christianity and it's teachings on life and it's origins. Furthermore I dislike the idea of anyone being able to abort a life (or potential life) because they had sex and where unprepared for the consequences. In the case of rape or loss of life, well, that's another story entirely. There should definitely be room for choice in these situations.

Final thoughts: maybe you agree with me, maybe not. I hope my answer has been valuable to OP. If not, I apologize. Also, I'm not looking to argue or even really debate with anyone. It's a devicive issue and people have strong and passionate feelings about it on both sides. My hope is only to have contributed to the conversation.

/r/AskReddit Thread