I have problems I don't know how to deal with

I was clearly the most qualified to take the leadership position and I don't say this out of arrogance but as a fact.

Really? She proved herself to be able to secure funds for other venues and you are more qualified because you can bark orders and win gold?

The day after the positions were announced we were talking about the future of the club and she said that she really wanted to go to state this year. I didn't think it was possible and doubted her ability to inspire the team to reach such ambitious goals. Remember this is the girl that hadn't gone to a meeting in 3 years and knew no one on the team.

Did you ever at any point try talking to her about that? In may have been relaxed but you could have reinforced that the President is a important position. As Vice President, you should have done everything to support her, not just push the team.

Right now the person in charge of notes for the Science Resource Guide is on vacation and unable to work. Guess who outlined the information in the Science Resource Guide. I honestly did everything I could writing notes, making powerpoints, writing tests, you name it. Well what did Sara do in this time? She went on a 3 week vacation to Thailand, once left a meeting early to go shopping, and has actually done less work than most non board members have done.

Are people not allowed to take vacations? Give people a break man.

I sent emails out with information regarding the meeting and lo and behold guess who came to ruin it. Of course it was Sara. To be fair Sara is smart and capable. However in the context of Academic Decathlon she's undeserving of her position. But she clearly sees me as a threat to her position as president.

Don't you think you are being incredibly paranoid?

You're in /r/seriousconversation here so here it goes. You sound like a huge dick. I can understand some of the position from where you are coming from but none of that should fire you up so much to verbally and mentally shit on everyone. I understand you want success. But if you burn out your peers and talk shit about everyone, they are going to flake out on you and understandably so.

Don't think that anyone is more capable of doing something that you think you deserved. A team is a freakin' team and you need not only to support your team but push them to support you. That's where you failed.

I'm in the US and didn't do shit in high school except get As in Bs. And got in a fantastic university. I am super meticulous, detailed, and goal oriented as well. But other people have feelings, goals, and lives they have to attend to as well and you have to respect that.

The best thing you could is apologize to her and your team. State your feelings that you really wanted to get to state but apologize for the way you treated them.

/r/SeriousConversation Thread