Prophecy doesn't punish aggro, it punishes Mid Range and large creatures

  • AGRO is composed of small and agressive minions plus some reach in chargers and/or burn spells. They try to close the game asap their low curve makes them run out of cards quickly but guarantees good starts. So agro decks are all about the early game. They are usually favored vs midrange decks because these run little defenses. Agro is countered by a mixture of guard/board clears and healing. This makes good control favored vs agro but sometimes agro can close games even vs antiagro control builds because of a fast start into reach. These decks are often cheap and easy to pilot so thet are advised to beginners in most games. Ex deck : battlemage, mono red, crusader *MIDRANGE is a value minion based slower agro deck. Midrange focuses mostly on having a great curve filled with value minions that can 2 for 1. Because of their sticky minions and value generation midrange can take the role of beatdown vs control. Midrange doesn't run out of steam quickly like agro. But midrange suffers vs agro (not enough healing/board clears). Ex deck : midrange wards (my favorite) *AGRO-CONTROL is a deck built around keeping alive valuable early game snowbally minions. Agro-control wants to race with their precious minions while countering your gameplan with removals, control spells, and also annoying minions used to gain time like {{ Fighters guild recruit }}. Ex deck: archer
  • RAMP is a specialized tempo archetype that focuses on gaining more ressources to ramp big threats. In most games ramp has the highest density of huge threatening minions but they lack in the board clear department so they will focus on trading to control the board. But if they are against a passive deck they will start attacking. Usually this kind of deck ends up very expensive to make. Ex deck : $cout
  • CONTROL aims to win in the lategame after exhausting the ressources of the opponent. Control is very passive and reactive, focusing on removing the opponent's threats. Control will play a lot of board clears and single target removals plus some healing and guards. Control has few threat density but his finishers are very high impact. Control has a hard time removing the sticky value minions of midrange. Ex : control mage
  • COMBO : they usually involve a combinaison of cards that together outright win the game (one turn kill). Combo plays a lot of card draw. Combo often wants to draw the majority of his deck while stalling the opponent. I don't know any real combo decks in this game. Ex decks : Storm in MTG, Freezemage in HS. Here it could be something life equiping a alakir survivalist and giving him sxift strike to one turn kikl. I saw that once. *TEMPO plays effective removals that also double as face reach when needed plus minions that synergise with the spell heavy gameplan of the deck. While they are sometimes wrongly labelled as combo they do not have the same gameplan. Tempo wants to use less ressources then you dealing with your threats while pushing dmg to your face with the remaining of their ressources. Ex deck : spell mage (wrongly labelled combo mage by some) *TRIBAL : Focuses on one tribe keyword shared by the cards eg goblin, elf, orc, monkeys, vampires, mech, dragon etc depends of what works in each game. Often a midrangey build, sometimes very aggressive and rarely combo (elf in mtg). The main thing is focus on minions of the tribe. They run 2 kind of cards : enablers / payoff. Enablers are often lower quality then non tribal comparable minions (or else all other agro or midrange decks would run them). Payoff cards give benefits depending on your tribal synergy. They are commonly Lords which means they buff other minions of the same tribe. There is zero point at running a tribal deck if there are not enough payoff cards for that tribe in the game. Ex deck here : goblins, orcs

There are other deck types like prison, reanimator etc but they aren't a thing in this game atm.

Posted from my smarphone

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