Protesters lining 5th Avenue earlier today

Well I remember it, but that was sheer hysteria and not a little bit of racism.

In this case there is plenty of reason to believe that Trump has no idea what he's doing and is leaning heavily on Pence whose regressive policies in Indiana may well become the law of the land.

The difference also is that Obama faced a Republican Congress who were obstructionist at every turn. But a Republican president + Republican Congress? There's no telling what laws they might be able to pass.

I think anybody who thinks that they're going to be able "recall" Trump with these protests is obviously living in la la land - the real point is that when Trump made his acceptance speech and said we had to unite and come together as one nation, these protesters are trying to remind him that lots of people in this great nation are not straight white Christian males living in Indiana and Wyoming and their voices and lives matter too.

People love to throw "all lives matter" in the face of "black lives matter," so, is it really true or not? Do all lives matter regardless of race, religion and sexual orientation?

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