As a public school teacher my school just threw a religious assembly for the students. I wish to complain but I work in an at-will state that is heavily religious and would probably be fired. What can I do?

Copying this from my other thread over on /r/teachers

One of the big problems on my conscious is that it's an outside group giving the assembly and their message is actively harmful for the students. They discussed if you have low self esteem you need to start putting yourself second and Jesus first. And if you are depressed it's just because you don't pray enough. This might prevent students who actually need help from seeking it.

Then after they get done with that they put students down by saying stuff like watching porn is evil and you need Jesus if you ever look at porn because you've been tempted by evil. The whole program was a train wreck.

My school was the first one in the district scheduled to have this and the district has 10+ high schools all with 2000+ students. So this is reaching a lot of people. It truly makes me worry for some of the students lives. Like what if a suicidal student hears this and thinks they can't get real help. My school has already had multiple suicides this year, so it is a problem and the main reason we had the assembly.

/r/atheism Thread