Question for BP: What is so offensive about the Captain/First Mate marriage dynamic?

I've said this before and I'll say it again. This sub is a ghetto. If you want to understand what RP, and by extension your husband, "thinks," read the blogs. If you want a peanut gallery where you can vent, you have r/TheBluePill for that. This sub might look like it offers both, and it does, but in meagre quantities. There's a reason why they don't have a freshmen who just took an intro to econ course in the fall teach that class in next spring.

The only special feature here is you get to spank intellectual lightweights without the fear of being shouted down by the mob, but humiliating beta males over the web won't save your marriage.

I think that perhaps the individual traits are weighted differently by RP than society at large.

RP isn't a set of arbitrary catechisms that's forced on hapless men by social pressure or authority. They believe it because it matches up with the patterns they see or remember in their own lives. Most men approach it not with faith, but with utter skepticism; they then apply it to what they've witnessed in real life, see that it fits, and holds it to be true. “Masculine” and “feminine” are not big concepts in RP anyways; RPW love to preen in their own femininity, but men don't really care. What's big is the concept of "alpha," but you already know about dread.

maybe you're shit testing

Men don't even shit test the women they're in a relationship with, much less strangers. If you had read the blogs, instead of expecting someone to pave a free royal road for you, you would know that by now, but I know the leathery rhetoric tends to frighten women away, so I've tried to build you just that, a royal road, and am duly rewarded with pure venom.

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