Questioning government policy on China is not fomenting racism, Prime Minister

Funny how signing a deal with China for 31 years results in foreign takeovers that are the current government's job to... undo? This "tough on China" rhetoric is pretty convenient for the party that made the choice to deal with them, and it's disingenuous to say the least. This is a national security issue and asking inflammatory questions in the house out loud isn't doing anything to advance the issue if it's been an ongoing investigation, it's just partisan hackery and sour grapes.

Partisan Hacker and sour grapes... So, not racist afterall.

And no, why would Harper make the deal if the Chinese government has been questionable for decades? Or sell arms to Saudi Arabia? Sounds like there's a commom denominator which is creating contractually obligated problems for Canadians without much foresight.

Dion signed the export permits. You allude to a common denominator: it would be a political class that cynically represents their own personal and business interests at the expense of canadians

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