Questions about your relationship with food/your body (from an ex-anorexic who's forgotten what's normal - TW)

Recovered anorexic says:

How often do I feel fat? Mostly when I'm carrying a three-month food baby. Even then it's not so much fat as "oy, body, you do weird stuff sometimes".

How often do you look at the nutritional information of food before eating? Fairly often. I am working hard to regain weight, and I'm finally in a mental place where I can track calories for good, not evil. It would be a bonus if the food I ate were healthy, and it's not like I enjoy fast food anyhow.

How often do you feel bad after eating something? (e.g. junk food, or a bigger portion than you needed) Only when it leads to indigestion. "Self, did you really need all the naan?"

Do you have an idea of how many calories you've eaten each day? Through tracking, I've discovered that "natural" is still abnormally low, and I'm retraining my body. So it's kind of important that I be aware.

If you exercise, how rigid is your schedule? Two hours of archery on Sundays. Once the weather improves, I should throw in a walk 'round the block. I'd like to try PT for fibro again, this time with someone who has worked with other painiacs.

If you eat something you think you shouldn't have, or randomly feel fat one day, how much does it dampen your mood? Only as much as it causes me physical discomfort. "Aw, crap, my favorite pencil skirt huuuurts." Incidentally, I'm considering a triangular panel of black elastic in the waistband to ease that problem, because this skirt is over five years old and still perfect.

My relationship with food has had seven years to get healthy, and my last SO helped me rediscover my inner gourmande. Worth noting also that it was about 35/65 body issue/suicide method. I hung around dancers and felt inadequate, but when I stopped hanging around the dancers, I was still depressed. I figured I'd just starve myself out.

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