/r/the_donald mod team is issuing threats through their modmail, "We have plenty of evidence and you yourself have violated several Reddit-wide rules today. Admins can either do something about that or we can do something about that."

All is the closest thing remaining on this site that isnt a heavily controlled narrative though many sure are trying to make it that way. The front page is biased to hide things that might offend someone even if its legitamate news so I dont think avoiding all is going to be the solution.

Its easy for me to block a couple right wing subreddits but there are far far too many new liberal alt-left subreddits being made to the point of absurdity honestly its getting a little tiresome having to constantly block all the spam about Trump and yes even "anti Trump" posts are about Trump. It was fine during the election but 100 days in and its getting worse than ever, I have never seen Reddit seemingly so aligned against a single person and this level of effort be put into making sure everyone knows about that hatred.

The truth is politics are not as simple as Reddit or its demographic leads on, its extremely multifaceted and everyone just needs to chill the hell out, smoke a bowl, play a game, ride a bike or skateboard, do ANYTHING but sit here in the Reddit echo chamber of politics, a year from now you might not even be alive don't waste your small amount of time on bullshit like this, its beneath you.

/r/TopMindsOfReddit Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com