Race Bamboozle: How the Establishment Win by Pitting “Black” Folks vs “White” People - Want to know how a few can enslave millions? It’s as simple as it is wicked; you have to incite tribalism into the populace and convince fellow strugglers that their plight is different than their neighbors.

I'm sorry but this is just wishful thinking. I went to a school in Vermont for pre-k through 6th grade, then my dad got a job in Texas and I moved with him. I never experienced one lick of racism while in Vermont. When I moved to Texas, I never once heard or saw any white person say or do anything remotely racist, but I was given such a huge amount of shit for being white by my largely Mestizo friend group, and much more vile, hateful outright racism from the black kids and other mestizo kids not in my friend group. Among the black kids this was a universal trait, and even now in social media and indeed in everyday life, black people are completely allowed to be as virulently racist as they would like without reprise of any sort.

Pretty much the only source of crime in my small town was Mestizo, too, and I remember seeing the scores for the Texas standardized test broken down by race on my dad's desk (was a teacher), with incredibly clear differences in test scores with blacks scoring the lowest, mestizos second, and whites at the top by a huge margin. My dad used to say that it was because of differences in how much money different races earned, and I believed that for many years until reading the michigan adoption study wherein they attempted to once and for all quiet the racists who would say that races are varyingly intelligent, naturally, only to come to eventually prove it themselves. Basically, they kept track of and gave IQ tests to a few rich white families raising a black child, and a few poor black families raising a black child. The white children raised by poor blacks out performed the black children raised by rich whites, literally down to the last child.

I'm not alone in seeing this and I think that more and more people are just plain sick and tired of ignoring it all just to avoid being called one stupid little word. To continue this charade of espousing this desperately desired but sadly non-existent universal equality between all races is akin to seeing a runner in a race break his ankle and then cheer to him from the benches to just keep running; that he's just as good a runner as any of the rest and don't believe anybody who would dare say otherwise because they're just a hateful non-broken ankle supremacist. It's not only dishonest and literally ignorant, but in fact damages those which it so staunchly purports to seek to help.

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