I was raised in an extremely racist household.

Hey :) If it makes you feel any better I’m a brown woman reading this who lives in a city where people think they’re not racist but actually have a lot of racist beliefs and honestly I felt really proud reading this. It’s not easy to unlearn hatred especially when that’s all you’ve been taught growing up. Not a lot of people can see that they’ve been brainwashed and change.

I really wanted to comment because honestly I’ve been going down a rabbit hole of hatred myself for a lot of people who hate me because of my skin Color and background (I’m Muslim on top of being brown and a woman so yeah…..) and I think your post just made me kind of snap out of it and realize not everyone is the same. And I should know that out of all people so shame on me.

Thanks for posting this :) gave me some hope

/r/TrueOffMyChest Thread