Ranked restriction, chat restriction and game restrictions and end of season rewards mega-thread.

First at all i have to say my english is bad so i will try to explain myself as best as i can.

few months ago i got 14-day ban for beeing toxic and i am good with that cause now im not toxic anymore, i paid my mistakes, i have been punished and i accept it but he is saying that 7-14 days bans are for Racism, Sexism, homophobia ,etc and i have to say this is totally FALSE. I have riot's email where they said i got banned and they send me my chat messages which i was banned for. Check it please if you think this is Racism or EXTREMELY toxic. I know is toxic and have to be punish but.. this way? really?

the only champ in their team that can stomp us is katarina so please dont feed her and take care with rek sai he is good guys are u premade? xD 1 more wave 1500 gold always the same shit 0/4 premade np zyra we will lose probably anywyas anyways so.. 4-0 kata RLY?= AHAHAHAHA 50 cs fizz 0-4-0 this corki is fucking pathetic fizz try to gank top and get kills mm i flashed to the rocket xd but zyra XDD some root pls freeelo this premade im so done yes look his kda average 10-11 report for eloboost no report u for eloboost Look your match historyu u are boosted lol 10-11 kda average i ocus on my mistakes but report him for eloboost not for playing bad who press no?XD stop talking and farm tard u are 0-7 u are the one losing the game ALONE so try to come back peel ? for me?= som,eone? are u kidding me? garen 100-0 me but we can do it better with peel we could take ace this fizz is stupid thats all udyr stop playing with him if u wanna climb elo serously i tell u xD u have good garm with udyu farm deserves more than this lose cause your pre sweeepeR? we need to fight next drake so dont suicide before it pls he caught u we cant fight without kata vision 4drake everytime some stupid move before a drake.. this looks like silver xD one more drake and u cant afk cause theyll win in 30secs u deserved to die spamming dance cant play with this fizz seriously.. a fizz grabed u should dodge hook with jump garen didnt silenced u before grab retard udyr you and me too late u are so fcuking low slow drake in 40secs as i said rpeort fizz pls ggwp nope ggwp

Thanks for reading.

/r/leagueoflegends Thread