I included the anecdote about their parents funding their grocery budget because I was trying to explain that they are the ones buying an excess of food and allowing it to rot, when I know that it's not mine because I have to eat all my food out of necessity. I was trying to demonstrate why I don't think it's fair for me to be assigned to clean out the excess food in the fridge and pantry: because I know that none of it is mine. If I had just said "none of it is mine" I assumed commenters would have said "how do you know?" This is how.
I was "bitching on reddit" as soon as I saw the chore chart. She wasn't home and she won't be all weekend, so I won't get a chance to talk to her for a while. I'd rather talk to her in person than leave a note or send a text.
Also, they don't "have people over." I don't have any issue with that. They have ~75 underage drinkers in our house pretty much every weekend when I've explicitly communicated with them multiple times to stop.
It's not their fault they have more money than you and they don't have to accommodate your neuroses if you don't communicate it with them and refuse to participate in the chore chart. I'm not sure how communicating with me about whether any of the food in the fridge was mine before assigning me to clean it out qualifies as "accommodating my neuroses". Yeah, it does kind of piss me off that they get thousands of dollars a month for doing absolutely nothing, but I don't think that qualifies as a neurosis and neither does my therapist, lol.