Well, at your suggestion I took a leisurely stroll down your post history and while I can see your point on some things I do think you're blowing most of it out of proportion.

You're mad because their food stinks. Food smells when you cook it. She has literally no control over that. It wouldn't kill her to open a window but she shouldn't have to formulate her daily diet around scents that you approve of.

You're mad that she doesn't shower, but you insist that she doesn't have BO. You're not having sex with her and she doesn't smell so I don't understand how this is in any way your business. It's not sanitary, but it's also not your body. If you're worried about a trail of filth left behind by her body and the furniture is yours tell her she can sit on it when she showers? If it's her furniture they you're out of luck. Her body, her furniture, her choice. And while it's not even close to the level of cleanliness I strive for, who's to say she's not giving herself a sponge bath in the bathroom, or at least cleaning off the important areas with soap and water over the sink? Not brushing her teeth is eek but again, of there's no stinch of rot coming from her mouth this is, again, absolutely none of your business.

If you want to bleach door handles that's your prerogative. It's perfectly fine to ask her to clean up after herself but if you're expecting her to get on her hands and knees to clean the floors every day you're 1. Being super unreasonable because that seems like borderline neat-freak behavior (which is fine, but you can't expect other people to have the same level of cleanliness ambition, and 2. Setting yourself up for disappointment because clearly she's not going to do it. At the end of the day, if you've asked her to clean and she doesn't then you know she's not going to. You can either stay in the situation and let the bitter seed of resentment grow, or you can move. For your sanity's sake I suggest the latter.

Finally, this little gem struck up a small flame of rage in my heart. You're mad because the TV she brought into the living room isn't up to your standards. This one absolutely comes across as entitled AF. If you want a bigger TV then go buy a bigger TV. She's not required to go in halvsies for a TV she doesn't want. She got one as a gift and saved money by not having to purchase one. Your anger for this one the textbook definition of reaching for a reason to be mad. If you want a bigger TV then save up and go buy a bigger TV. She's not responsible for keeping you entertained electronically.

/r/badroommates Thread