They really don't get it.

Thanks! I was trying to delete my post about organ donation as I regretted some things I said in it but then also deleted this comment as I felt I went on too much in it. Looked at some other posts and comments of mine and felt embarrassed about many other things I've said and deleted them too. I've only just joined and now think Ive been pushing my thoughts and writing too much. I will take some a break from posting as I've written too much and too much dumb stuff in the short time I've been here.

But I had typed up the comment you liked in notepad first because it was so long so here it is again, copied and pasted :) i felt it was too long and too self indulgent but because you said it was a nice comment I will repost it here:

This place actually helps people to give living a shot because it helps people feel understood and no longer trapped or abnormal. It is helpful because it releases us from the pressure we put on ourselves to live or die, it helps us take time to talk with others going through suicidal ideation. This is the only place of this kind I have found on the Internet or in real life. It's horrible that they want to take this from us aswell and that they have the nerve to think they would be doing us a favour by getting rid of this place.

This place is about supporting choice. Whenever someone talks about an upcoming attempt the comments from people who use this sub are always "wish you the best in whatever you want or decide" and "don't feel bad if you change your mind" and some people come here to ask for strategies on how to try living but they want real advice and not empty platitudes and the bullshit optimism from other places online.

I've read so many posts from people who have said that this place has been a support and that even though part of them wants to die this place has kept them trying to live a bit longer as it has offered them support.

The fact that this place supports the choice to die actually helps people feel empowered again and want to take responsibility for their lives. Reading the posts of other people I can relate to and now participating is helping me to go from feeling a weak and powerless victim of bad luck to someone with the ability to decide what is best for himself and the power to choose what I want.

It has also stopped me from feeling like a bad person for having suicidal intentions - that wasn't helping me cope with life and thinking like that isn't helpful for anyone. Suicidal people aren't bad people or selfish people like society would have us believe. Those thoughts make a suicidal person more depressed and more suicidal.

Even though I need to end my life, this place has helped me to reach a point where I can end my life on better terms with myself. There will be many who come away from this place who feel better about themselves enough to want to live or try living again.

I am sad for every person who has ended their life before finding the type of support provided here. They should have been able to die not feeling alone and not feeling defective or bad or selfish or misunderstood. Maybe even having that understanding would have made them want to try living again. But even if they still chose death, at least they would have gone out without feeling so alone and maybe feeling defective or bad or misunderstood. Even though I wish my previous suicide attempts worked, when I look back on them I am sad that I thought so poorly of myself at those attempts. I hope that after finding this place I can now go out feeling less bad about myself and less tormented.

My opinion of humanity has sunk so low whilst being suicidal because it's revealed to me so much about most humans that I don't like. But there will always be a place in my heart for people going through suicidal ideation because we are at rock bottom and it is the most difficult thing I think that a person can go through in life - the weight of that decision on your mind, the fear of the risks or getting caught on your mind each day. Not being sure whether to commit to life or let go. When people are suicidal they lose the incentive to impress others, they are more honest, they aren't afraid to say what's on their mind whether people like it or not as they have nothing to lose. Faced with the life and death decision, impressing others is too small a thing to care about. So suicidal people or people who have been there, for as long as I'm still here, those people will always have my respect, because I know how difficult it is, and they are more honest and less fake than most humans. They also judge other humans less because they don't blindly accept the value judgments that our cultures have. Wanting to die and finding yourself an outkast as a result I think makes us more understanding of others.

I strayed from the main point at the end but had a moment thinking about this place and couldn't stop writing. I hope there is always a place like this. It provides so much relief. Most of us have tried talking to people we know about suicide before finding this site. If those people really want to encourage us to talk about our feelings they are hypocrites to then ask for places like this to be shut down.

/r/SanctionedSuicide Thread Parent