I really don't want my fiancé to be a stay-at-home wife even if I make enough for us financially, how should I communicate this to her?

This is dangerous territory in my opinion. One where I would question whether or not she is with you because she hopes your income can provide her the lifestyles she wants. It sounds to me like she is setting you up for the idea that she is going to stop working at some point.

If kids come into the equation, it's even easier for her to make the argument. You have to make sure this is completely flushed out before you marry and make sure you are both on the same page.

My wife and I made a big life change a few years ago, one that was going to cost a lot of money to maintain. I sat down with her and explaining that making this change is going to require financial support from both of us, so if she has any thoughts of not working, we need to clear that out now and not make this change. We both understand and went forward and we're both glad we had that conversation.

/r/relationship_advice Thread