I really need tome help

Good start but my OCD couldn't stand that it wasn't alphabetized or more easily readable...so I "fixed" it. :)

CFR - Council on Foreign Relations
CIA - Central Intelligence Agency
CTR - Correct the Record
DEA - Drug Enforcement Administration
DOD - Department of Defense
DOJ -Department of Justice
DPRK - Democratic People's Republic of Korea
FBI - Federal Bureau of Investigation
FDA - Food and Drug Administration
IRS - Internal Revenue Service
LHC -Large Hadron Collider
MIC - Military Industrial Complex
MSM - Mainstream Media
NN - Net Neutrality
NSA - National Security Agency
NWO - New World Order
POTUS - President of the United States
SCOTUS - Supreme Court of the United States
TPTB - The Powers That Be
UN - United Nations

/r/conspiracy Thread Parent