Reddit, how would you feel about making traffic fines based on income?

I know, right? Like, if I make $30,000 and pay 20% and Buffet and Trump and Bezos pay 20%... who cares? Trump passed taxcuts not paid for, then Mcconnell says we need welfare reform. Carlin (George) said they were coming after this 20 years ago. Trump is their vehicle. Hell, let’s all pay a 15% tax rate. No loopholes, no havens, no refunds, no nothing.

This country would be a futuristic haven. I think the top 80... may even be 8, I’ve lost track... of people own more than the rest of the world’s wealth.

“Capitalism” in its traditional sense doesn’t work. There was no TV or radio ads back then. No bi-daily mass-mailers.

Conservatives are stuck in the Washington era.

/r/AskReddit Thread Parent