Reddit scares the crap out of me

Read the post I just made in here.

So, so many of us are guilty sumply by association, and actually victims of women ourselves, but if we try to raise that in any way or form we have to walk on eggshells to get half a sentence out without being attacked or assumed to be MRA members.

It's almost like... you make a post as a man about men's issues and some of the more vocal women try to find a way to "prove" that you're "one of those men". You end up going in circles trying to explain what you meant and they cherrypick little snippets out of context and attack you for things you didn't ACTUALLY say to prove their narrative.

It's freakin' exhausting.

I'm in therapy on the regular as the result of years of abuse, by women, but I'm not allowed a voice.

/r/offmychest Thread Parent