Counter-Strike: Global Offensive update for 6/10/15 (6/11/15 UTC,

This is from the FAQ

Has the Overwatch Beta been successful so far?

So far, Overwatch investigators have found evidence of disruptive behavior in 90% of highly-reported cases, with the decision being unanimous in the vast majority of cases. In addition to our standard test cases, we recently added demos of pro CS:GO players (specifically NiP and Quantic) to the test pool. Every single test case has been correctly dismissed as “Insufficient Evidence”, with no false convictions made.

How do I become an investigator?

Currently, the best approach is to play lots of matches in our official Competitive Matchmaking. We are slowly adding players to the pool of investigators, and randomly pick them with consideration to their playtime and skill level. The goal is to invite as many skilled reviewers as possible.

If I’m not an investigator, how can I help?

Report disruptive behavior. Reports feed the pool of cases that get reviewed, and good reports result in efficient case reviews. To file a report, open the scoreboard, use the arrow keys to navigate to a player, and press enter to open their player panel.

Aren’t mediocre players going to falsely convict good players?

It is not necessary for a player to be exceptionally skilled in order to be a good Overwatch investigator. For example, we would expect casters to be good investigators regardless of their skill levels, given their experience in observing highly skilled play.

Every new investigator will enter the pool with a low score, which only increases based on the accuracy of their verdicts. This process gives everyone a chance to participate while ensuring that only the best investigators drive case outcomes.

I’m a really good player. Aren’t I likely to get banned by lesser skilled investigators?

None of our test cases have led to a false conviction, and we are still calibrating our system to ensure that highly-skilled players are not at risk. One way we are calibrating Overwatch is by sending investigators evidence from matches played by top CS:GO players (including NiP and Quantic) in Classic Competitive Matchmaking. So far, Overwatch Investigators of all skill levels have correctly reviewed these cases as “Insufficient Evidence”.

/r/GlobalOffensive Thread