Redditors who poop in public, what are your tips?

God here's a skill I have that I consider useless but whatever. I used to have trouble using the restroom in strange places but I sort of got over it and I guess I'll tell you how here. Welcome to my TED talk.

1.) At work or a library or some other place you're at a lot, you're gonna pick a bathroom. This is now Your Bathroom and it's where you go if you've got to use the restroom.

2.) Until you're comfortable you're always gonna go to this one stall/bathroom or whatever. Slowly you're gonna get secure feeling there after you use it a lot, just trust me it happens. Try covering your ears if other people are in the bathroom and you have trouble, but basically the more often you poop in this stall the more comfortable you'll feel going there.

3.) Once you're able to go to "your" stall and just go the bathroom branch out. Try the next stall over. It's not so bad. Pretty soon if you keep doing this that whole restroom is "yours" in your head.

4.) Now pick another set of restrooms to use. Do the same thing until you feel like it's "your" restroom too. Once you do this three or four times your brain starts to sort of get the idea that restrooms "belong" to you, and it becomes easier to just walk in and go. At this point it becomes a self-growing cycle.

Tips I suggest: Always wipe the seat down and flush before you go just in case there's a splash. At first when your bladder or bowels are shy bring headphones in or just cover your ears so you feel like you have more privacy.

/r/AskReddit Thread