Reducing rage generation on Prot Warriors is the absolute worst way of nerfing I have ever experienced

First of all, Yes I admit my guild argument was very poor. I take that back and admit my mistake. However, do you not see my point that you cannot judge one classes logs based upon how it stands up to another class?

Right now fury is objectively weaker than Arms on dps, they just don't deal as much damage. If fury is Usain Bolt, arms is a Ferrari, arms will always have the higher numbers. HOWEVER, this is solely due to balancing from blizzards side.

If you ONLY compare fury warriors to eachother, you compare them in the spectrum of capable dps fury can put out, and in that way you can find who is the best at that particular spec. Look at it this way: Usain Bolt will never be as fast as a Ferrari, but if you compare Usain bolt to other runners, that are equal to him, he is still one of the best.

What I'm saying is that you cannot say "You are not good at fury despite having the highest dps amongst fury warriors in logs, because an arms warrior can do more".

Arms warrior doesn't mean shit when you're comparing FURY warriors to other FURY warriors. If I am #1 Fury warrior in the world compared to OTHER fury warriors, I am dps-statistically the best fury warrior because with the arsenal of a fury warrior, I am able to use it more efficiently than other fury warriors. What this means is that if fury warriors were the best dps class right now, they have the EXACT same design but every ability just deals more damage.

I would STILL be number 1, when you compare logs of one class specifically you compare that players ability to maneuver their class. You CANNOT compare that to another class because they aren't even in the study. The best fury warrior in the world, won't do as much damage as the 20th best arms warrior in the world, but he will be better on how to PLAY a fury warrior than what that guy is on an arms warrior, meaning if you put fury and arms on an equal ground with the same dps, the rank 1 fury warrior would win over the rank 20 arms warrior.

Logs specific to one class determines the players ability to play the class, you can take actual numbers out of the equation and it won't matter, because it is simply a study on how good this guy is at playing that class.

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