Refused sex on first date, am I at fault at this situation?

I understand you both , i know that no one should force the other to do something and you both messed up at some point.

  • He was wrong to seduce you into staying in his guest room knowing that he would crave you . As a man, when i want a female i usually stop thinking (lol) and i'm not proud of that but it's just the heat of the moment and it does show that he really likes you ( maybe just for your body when it happened)
  • You should have not accepted his invitation to sleep at his house knowing that he's attracted to you and wanted sex .

Men generally feel bad when those stunts don't succeed. Just give him time to let this awkward situation go and if he really likes you he will come back but when he's going to come and apologize don't forget to say that it was a bit silly of you to stay at a guy house and not expect sex.

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