Relationships are better than a constant stream of hookups, CMV

It may be easier for someone to concede what’s happened at work than the design of their home, or where they will vacation. Decisions that are generally made with an SO.

Yes it's easier to compromise in a work situation than a personal situation because the personal stuff ultimately comes down to who you are as a person and "compromise" means going against your true nature and desires. Does giving those up and changing who you are make you a better person? How many people are even capable of that change? It seems that in most relationships these things just build resentment. People involved in architecture and home improvement often talk about how many refurbs and home builds end in divorce so I'm not convinced that these differences really lead to a lot of people changing and growing in some beneficial way. It seems like the best relationships would be the ones that didn't require a ton of compromises because the two people are already in sync with everything.

Your second point, is arguing that redpill/blue pill disagree with me. That’s not an argument to me, I’m speaking off personal experience. I’ve been there for partners and not lost attraction, and they’ve been there for me. This is also what Ive seen happening in other successful relationships. RP/BP is only a big deal on reddit.

Well, the point of this sub is to debate the pills isn't it? I personally don't feel like I have received much mental or emotional support from women in my life and many other men report similar experiences. TRP provides a theory as to why that is. Meanwhile many women are complaining about the burden of emotional labor. The idea that LTRs are a perfect mutually supportive love fest is a fairy tale imo. But it could just mean that you've been lucky to be in relationships with men who handled their own shit and were there for you. It could also mean that you're young and lucky enough to have no been through any real tough shit in life yet.

Your third point. That’s only 35% which means the other 65% are adding income to the household. I would hope in a healthy balanced relationship the 35%s partners are still benefiting from house chores, and cleaning being done. Never mind the staggering costs of childcare. tbh the staggering costs of childcare alone justify the 35% as still being large financial contributors.

So a man getting married has a 1 in 3 chance that his wife might just decide to stop working. Unless you know of a foolproof way that he can force her to get a job. And of course even the 65% are generally making less money than their husbands. It's very hard to find good data about this and a large chunk of that 65% are probably working part-time, low-income, low-stress jobs that might often be more like hobbies.

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