[Relegation vs. Franchisement] r/LoL is showing it's inability to critically think.

This post is bullshit, and here is why in order :

The fact that this is one of the most upvoted posts on the topic is absurd. It is certainly a valid point against enfranchising the LCS, but sorely misconstrues not only the team owners intentions, but also implies that enfranchised sports don't have "Cinderella stories", or even story lines at all.

Oh you can have stories all you want in this little fish tank that is now completely sealed off. But those won't be sport stories, this will be entertainment bullshit that will collapse when facing the fact that the rest of the world actually enjoy sports as a performance. AKA, they like people that give a shit about the actual thing, like, say, Koreans do.

The players dedicating their lives to the sport. The casters and entire production crew working tirelessly to give us the best viewing experience they can. Non-endemic sponsers, VCs, billionares are the best way to keep talent, new and old, compensated well for their tireless commitment to the sport.

Propaganda bullshit. Don't come saying this is for the player : this is actually for the big guy. From the point of the player, performing like he always does to get there is the actual way he will keep his job - because if he is bad, there is no reason to keep him. The only real interest here is for the actual billionaire that would corner the market and obviously fuck over everything in the name of a safe investment.

This is also a valid point for keeping relegation. However, as /u/ShiroQ stated, the challenger scene is a mess right now.

/r/leagueoflegends Thread