Remember what happened the last time you listened to a newspaper?

Economists? Scientists? It doesn't matter. What matter is that feeling of fear and insecurity you have in your belly. And it apparently can only find release in hatred.

The irony of this tells me you haven't even read my post. You even bring up the same fallacy.

What about economists and scientists that disagree with the left? Or do 100% of them agree on every opinion you have?

It's funny, when you look at Germany, for example. The towns that are most 'concerned' (or violently attack) refugees are usually the towns that have the least of them in them. But their homogeneity leads to the most crystal-clear echo chambers.

Mind posting an actual source, since you're so big on facts? Because not only does Google searching not provide any source for what you just said, but actually provides plenty that say pretty much the opposite:

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