Reminder that the head of the SXSW so-called anti-Harassment panel, Randi Lee Harper, threatened to dox a tax collector and his famiy if they kept callling her, she actually went through releasing his phone number and address

Yo honestly I don't even think SJW covers it anymore. There's a bigger political force happening here. The fact is that identities are being used to wield real power now. The power is concentrated in a small group of "opinion makers" who use it to fight personal battles and settle scores. The identities of downtrodden people are just the hammer they use to gain power for themselves, there's no real empathy or camaraderie at all.

The sick part is that this is gaining traction. We have leaders of nations mentioning this. And it is taking brain space from actual issues of importance for poor people or real victims of violence, etc.

It's a phantom of social justice that has been conjured by some cynical, manipulative people, and the victim is real social justice.

The other huge problem is that they are destroying the language. "Violence" doesn't mean violence anymore. It means "anything done against this specific group of people."

"Safe" doesn't mean "safe." It means "these people must not be argued against."

They are actively trying to divide women and men, white people and black people, asian people, etc. There is no sense of solidarity. The slightest step out of line is not met with forgiveness, it's met with wrath and punishment. A true social movement builds people up to set positive examples. This movement exists solely to tear people down.

It is being fueled by the internet in a way that is only getting stronger over time. As I see it, there's a real risk here. One of two things will happen.

1) These people and ideas get real power. God help us all.
2) There is a right wing backlash against this. You can already see this brewing in some sectors. God help us all.

There's also a third idea where it just ebbs away and slowly becomes ignored. Or it is replaced by something else. But I don't know if I see it going like that, at least in the mid term. This set of complaints and strategies just has too much social currency. But it's really fucking gross, because the fruits of it are censorship, moral confusion, and erosion of the actual truth. All we get in return is power in the hands of people who only use it for their own cynical gain and who use it like any tinpot asshole dictator ever. Not to help people, but to silence opposition in a weird paranoid downward spiral. Women, minorities, freaks: These people don't give a fuck about you. You're a tool.

Listen and believe, shitlords.

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