Remote revolution

As a manager I have to let you know that unfortunately there are a small subset of people who are doing sweet fuck all while "working" from home and they are in fact ruining it for everyone. You might think no one knows what you do or would notice if you were gone but that's not true. It's very obvious when one person decides to only work 10 hours a week while the rest of the team works full time, no one might be complaining to your face but they are behind your back. Especially now that we've been doing it for a year and have had several final products, project deadlines etc come due. For our workflow the rubber hits the road in May/ June most years and one or two people just haven't fucking done a thing since last summer and are scrambling for new jobs instead of dealing with the shit show they've created.

I think it's a combination of poor work habits, laziness, depression, bad home life, women getting all the childcare dumped on them, bad home workspaces and people who just kinda realized they could get paid to not work for a while and thought they were showing it to the man and didn't care about bad references or reviews. But some people cannot work from home apparently.

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