Renting out an apartment - Landlords POV

Serving Notices to Tenants

There are rules about how and when a landlord can serve notice to a tenant. Use this table to determine whether a method is acceptable and when notice is considered served.

Method / It’s considered received…

Give a copy directly to the tenant / Same day

Send a copy by registered or regular mail... / 5 days later when the tenant does not say or show that they received it on an earlier date

Attach a copy to the door or other noticeable place at the address where the tenant lives / 3 days later when the tenant does not say or show that they received it on an earlier date

Leave a copy with an adult (19 years or older) who apparently lives with the tenant (landlords should note the name of the person) / Same day

Leave a copy in a mailbox or mail slot at the address where the person lives / 3 days later when the tenant does not say or show that they received it on an earlier date

Fax a copy to the contact number provided by the tenant / 3 days later when the tenant does not say or show that they received it on an earlier date

Email a copy to the email address provided by the tenant / 3 days later when the tenant does not say or show that they received it on an earlier date

In any other way that is ordered by the Residential Tenancy Branch / Determined by the Residential Tenancy Branch

Slide a copy under the tenant’s door / Not considered served – this is an unacceptable method

Using email or text messaging / Not considered served – this is an unacceptable method2

I don't believe I see "Pass it along via a third party who works in the building" in the list. Sorry your eviction is taking a little longer than you want it to, but the failure was yours here.

/r/vancouver Thread