Reply To Reschedule Without Sounding Needy?

Lol. Women are attracted to men, period (assuming they're hetero). You can be aloof and be attractive to women, or you can hit on every single woman you see in view of all the other women, and be attractive to women.

Women's sexual preferences and how they like their men to act varies wildly. The aloof guy seems secure because he's not showing interest in any girls. The aloof guy seems desperate because he's not risking rejection from any girls. The aggressive guy is secure because he doesn't care about what people think of his open displays of hitting on women. The aggressive guy is desperate because he's hitting on all the women.

But the reality is - the aggressive guy gets more dates, simply because he's making moves. A guy who is aloof and demure might arouse more womens' interest, but if no one makes a move, nothing's gonna happen.

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