Report: Harrison Ford Piloted Plane That Crashed Onto Venice Golf Course

if he's not a real life anders game naval captain i don't know but if he like planes a group of veterans including cia-navy-police-and vets from all over the world 00's(yes bonds like ian fleming >0033 00solo because so far down the list-means less work and expectations sprocket and shrub -BOND same use as Doe in america ghosts are looking to fund a hanger at lantana airforce base(contact skywalker_aviation aka Ciawalker) to continue the Manhattan project called the mad hatter project as world veterans income generating project to fund peace initiatives

pertaining to the possibilities or realities of travel on a quantum atom base and jump atom bonds like the hydrogen bond theory of linus pauling jumping the quantum atom of boer and including an electro magnetic gyroscope of james clerk maxwell to create the hydrogen bond or bubble that you would jump in by using newtons theory of light refraction by injecting steam into the gyroscope which is instantaneously cooled condensing and this creates a wall of water for the sphere or bubble -then because the bubbles are spinning-think of the atom and axis of a ball there are a min of 7 points including the center-think of a wind vain design now because all quantum energy recordings are equal so all weights must be equal so all 6 bubbles must weigh the same to jump and you could control the jumps by spin speed and then because it is slung out of the position it arcs and you have a correct curve because ll the math would be 3d so you would need a 3d math program -you could also dissect the center creating walls inside to walk through but to form the bubble could you use a heavier gas than hydrogen-this may also be more abundant in space or the air and create a more stable and stronger bubble

next is based on the old knights symbols-the shell(shield)salem cross(helmet-forehead nose chin covered and a sword(the Sparta symbol-ours) and a circle representing the dragon

any way could you create a funnel like a lance end that you could create a reverse jacobs ladder where the electricity travels to the base of the funnel where magnets increase the pressure creating a mass of electricity and then have a fast spinning nozzle to draw it out and shot it out of the end because this could be adapted as a new laser for the glove of valient for the top of the hand

then we have the new hydrogen powered boats based on the mad max never never cars using intake engines on the hood like old hot rods have titanium plate that heat the air to hot steam thats pulled in and pushed through high pressure hoses to a cooling area where it is then injected into a funnel and the loss of pressure rapidly expands the steam and the release of energy is then pulled out using a funnel -thats for the water skimmers and the ice cap

and a saucer design which creates 5 electromagnetic funnels within each other

we also have farming-economics-ect plans - i mean veterans aren't contracted to the gov-any retiree can join we could use some companies like dreamworks and FX companies tried to contact some before -need to design a program to reverse engineer the earth while engineering mars

we are also political and environmental fans and well as washingtons a district the nsa should resign and hand over all funding to the cia for national security a private company should not have access to military files or personnel-imagine the pay raises
roses.icebergs and sylva-pan

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