Reports of sexual assaults on women across European cities, including Cologne, Hamburg, Zürich, Salzburg, Helsinki during NYE festivities

Good to see this stance is finally being accepted. You PC tolerant idiots have already fucked this up though. You guys called informed people racist and bigots and now there are thousands of these islamic idiots descending upon you and you are upset????

let this be a fucking lesson to you PC tolerant new generation of soft adults. THERE IS ALWAYS A REASON A GROUP OF PEOPLE ARE HATED. When you dismiss those reasons you leave yourself open to surprise and well what do you fucking know?????

SURPRISE IDIOTS. maybe next time you will look at whats right the fuck in front of you instead of blindly saying what makes you look and feel better about yourself.

this shit is real, this isnt black people to the back of the bus or slavery. THAT is racism.

THIS is honest informed people calling it how they see it and not being listened to.

Islam and muslim culture is toxic and backwards. It is not enough to just ignore it, it must be wiped clean. If you continue to let evil religions exist then do not complain when those people you defended are raping your daughters.

to all men of this generation and the next, stop the pussy shit and grow some fucking balls. the longer you sit on blogs defending every god damn social group there is, the less you will be prepared for when reality smacks your ass in the god damn face.

wake the fuck up young men and women, this world is cold and brutal and if you dont defend your livelihood from people who wish to change it, you bet your ass it will be changed.

rise the fuck up and put a stop to this "tolerance" bullshit, its only going to get your dumbasses over run. EVIL will win if you dont fight it.

Its winning now, easily.

And all of you PC tolerant SJW are the reason why.

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