Resenting Husband After Having a Baby

I understand where you’re coming from, but I don’t think she meant it to be offensive and shouldn’t be taken as such. People want and believe different things. She never said older women shouldn’t have children, she said that to her, having a smaller age gap and being a younger parent was important.

Even if what she’s going through is someone else’s normal, what she had hoped for fell apart — she has to come to terms with that what she envisioned for her life isn’t what is happening. She also just had a baby, so she may be experiencing PPD or PPA. This is supposed to be a safe space for someone to vent.

OP, I’m sorry you’re going through this. I know it’s hard, but try to remember that just because things aren’t where you want them to be right now doesn’t mean they won’t be in the future. Like you said, you never know what can happen.

Wishing you the best.

/r/beyondthebump Thread Parent