[RF] A player who thinks he is God's Gift to women narrates his emotionless personal outlook on the women who fall for him

Melanie can't have me and it drives her crazy. I just find it funny. She gets more attention from me than her daddy, from the time he re-married to back when she was a baby. I think he's lucky. I've seen this bitch cry more than he ever has and he has 20 years on me!

See, Kate is perfectly happy with her position, she doesn't bitch and moan when I disappear for a coupla months. She knows that I'll kick that perfect ass to the curb if she give me any drama. No frills, that's just how it is. She thinks her loyalty will bring us closer (hahaha) I just keep her dependent on me because it amuses me.

Meiying looks like a good girl on paper. I mean (hah) she's a doctor, her parents are still together. She gets worried about her patients when she takes sick days so we can be together. I know she keeps a few limp dicks around to buy her dinner, but she has no use for those motherfuckers. Listen, after I fuck her raw, she doesn't even shower. So much for being a doctor, to me she's just a pushover. She does what I tell her or it's game over.

I got a dozen more like them across three different provinces. I come and go. I bring the excitement and take it away in the same weekend. It's fucking funny to me. They just can't stop texting me. What do you want from me bitch, I just want one thing from you. Give it to me now or come back crawling to me with an apology.

One thing I learned is always be looking out for number one. I may come across a bit raw, but listen, I have a heart too. I just don't think these bitches can ever be happy. They are too fucked up inside. But I tell you what, they can make me happy, and that's good enough.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread