A Rioter, in regards to nerfing Lee Sin: "He adds a lot to competitive play though, so we don't want to hit him too hard."

Lol you are either lying your ass off or you simply have a shit memory.

First off. Lee Sin hasn't been the best jungler on any patch since say season 4? Until now (and even then I would argue Vi is better for most elos. )

That said, he's always been relevant. Never top 1 but usually in the top 5 somewhere.

Let's take a look at worlds pick ban competitive tournament in some of the best junglers in the world's hands.

Players like these are who Lee sin is supposed to be god tier on, not bronze.

So therefore if Lee is truly god tier, we would see this at worlds.

And he didn't represent poorly he was the 4th most popular jungler. And remember these are the people that should be Lee sin god's.

Instead Nidalee, Olaf and Elise all bad higher pick/ban %

You could argue Elise might have only been ahead due to a few select junglers refusing to play Lee. But even if you made such an argument

There is no justifiable reason to say Lee was #1. Nidalee was. Then Olaf.

But then let's evaluate soloque. Was Lee sin dominating pre new jungle

New jungle was patch 6.22

Source: http://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/game-updates/patch/patch-622-notes


Take note of his winrate and playrate pre 6.22 and after.

Winrate spiked. Playrate didn't, therefore that patch was the change for Lee sin.

Lee spiked from new jg.

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