RiotGhostcrawler about ADCs

As someone who has played ADC for a long time, I wish the build paths had more variety, especially to fit the flavor each ADC has to offer. Example, I play a shit ton of Lucian and I hate going the usual ADC path on him (IE, Shiv/PD, BT/Bork, LW) because there are other aspects on him I wish were a more viable and effective options for early/mid game. A build I have been having fun with lately and I wish it works mid game (works late game, to a degree) is as follows: Essence Reaver - Greaves - PD - Black Cleaver - IE - Frozen Mallet/BT/Bork. This allows me to utilize 30% CDR (40 with my specific runes and masteries) which is amazing on Lucian, who suffers in range but excels in duels. The ER effectively allows me to kite without ever worrying about mana. The rage passive is just amazing for any ADC and I wish it had a 3rd item path even, to further fit any missing niche since BC and TF doesn't appeal to all. And last, the health I gain from BC and FM is just insanely good for the ADC role, and it bothers me that in this era of League, 5 seasons on, the ADC role is still the only role to suffer from low health all throughout the game not because of champion capabilities but lack of items, building a tank item in place of a damage item for survivability hurts the damage output, there should be a compromise, low AD stat but some form of health such as BC. This BLucian build is extremely fun, and I urge you all to try it, but unfortunately ER is not the strongest item to rush for Lucian, and that's my point, I want it to work. I want weird builds to work, especially for ADCs whose first 10 minutes of the match is simply to aim for the BF sword. Boring, as, fuck.

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