Monthly /r/PCgaming Discussion - What have you been playing, and what do you think of it? (August 2015)


I hate this game and wish I never bought it. The online is absolute garbage, the single-player isn't very interesting either. Half the game is just driving from point to point listening to dialogue I couldn't care less about, followed by mediocre gun play. Otherwise your time is spent sitting in loading screens. Social Club is terrible, every time theirs a new update it takes me weeks to download despite having great internet, the connection just keeps dropping for me and forces me to restart the whole update. I swear the PC port isn't even that well optimized,I'm not sure why it got so much praise. It seems ok on lower-end systems but on high-end systems it still runs like garbage. I deleted the game from my hard-drive today.

Fallout New Vegas & Skyrim

Tried to get into these games again. Walk from point to point. Talk to some people. Engage in the worst combat system ever. The End.


It's been a while since I've played this one. It turns out you need to be "Rank 3" to play Ranked Matches now. Despite having over 300 online ranked wins, I can't play the only game mode I actually enjoy. I'm forced to play dreadful game modes like Arms Race that just don't work well with CS:GO's mechanics.

Alien: Isolation

I am a massive fan of the movies. The original is an all time favorite of mine. Unfortunately, I'm finding this game dull as hell. I've have moments where it felt like I was hiding in a locker for 15 minutes just waiting for the Alien to go away.

Valkyria Chronicles

The first positive thing on this list. I actually really like this game although I haven't brought myself to play it too often. It's a turn based strategy game with third person shooter elements? (Not really, but kind of), in-case you weren't familiar with it. It's got some strange system mechanics but I can forgive those because there really aren't many games like this one. Interesting game, I wouldn't get it for the current price on Steam though, I picked it up for practically nothing in a sale. Unfortunately though, not really caring for the story too much, and I can see it getting repetitive later on. Art style is amazing though.

Ultra Street Fighter IV

I play this game every week because I love it, despite disliking a lot of things about the game. If you like competitive games and don't mind the steep learning curve please give this game a go because the Fighting genre is fantastic once you understand what's going on.

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