Rocket League News: Jan. 15, 2016 – Season 1 Rewards, Uncommon Items

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Season 1 Ends with Rewards!

The next patch (scheduled for February), will bring an end to the first season of competitive Rocket League. Once the Season is finished, Rewards will be delivered to players who reached "Bronze" Division or higher in the Ranked Play ladder.

What are these rewards? Limited Edition Crowns with Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum variants, that's what! Equippable as Toppers for your Battle-Car, these rewards are based on your highest Division rank at the time that Season 1 ends. For example, if a player was "Silver II" in 1v1 and "Gold I" in 2v2, the delivered Crown would be Gold. Here’s a sneak peek of one of them: LINK

We're looking forward to seeing which Crowns you'll be sporting when the next patch goes live next month!

Item Qualities

Another cool addition for the next patch is the introduction of "Item Qualities." Items will now have a "Quality" tag and color that can be identified when the Item is dropped or viewed in the Garage. Those Qualities are:

Common (Grey) - Stock items. All the items you've come to love! Premium (Green) - Items acquired from paid DLC Limited (Orange) - Items acquired in seasonal or limited time promotional events, like Halloween.

In the upcoming February patch, we are introducing a brand new item quality: Uncommon (Light Blue)! This new item class will be found, well, uncommonly after completing online-only matches and will feature all-new Toppers and Antennas to deck out your Battle-Car! Link to one of the new antennas

One interesting thing to note is that the new "Uncommon Item's" drop-rate won't have a fixed percentage like the seasonal items do. Instead, your chances of getting an "Uncommon Item" increases the longer you play the game. After earning an Uncommon Item, the time then resets and you start all over again in your quest to get another one. This should give players who spend a lot of time playing some sweet new loot to accompany them along the way.

As usual, we'll keep you updated on more of our feature additions and other topics regularly through our Facebook and Twitter pages. Check back next Friday (January 22) when we’ll be posting LOTS of details about Competitive Play changes for Season 2! See you then!

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