Rockstar really did their homework with GTA V,top is a small town with a population of 4,000 and the bottom is Sandy Shore's from GTA

Buy it based solely on the single player experience, and nothing else, don't expect anything from the multiplayer, especially on PC.

I've been playing since release, and used to play online all the time.

In it's current state, multiplayer is absolutely broken, it honestly feels like for the last 6 months rockstar had completely given up on curbing the hackers, and now you can't find a server without at least 2-3 modder just trolling everyone in the game.

Back in the day, I could play for a couple hours without any hacker really fucking with me, and even if they did, the worst they could do was randomly explode you, or attach something ridiculous to you, it really wasn't that big of a deal and sometimes it was kinda funny.

But now, I can't go more than 30 min at most without a hacker just completely fucking my shit up. Not only do they have the ability to permanently remove gravity, prevent your game from showing NPCs, or freeze you in place, but they can actually completely freeze your computer now, like you can't even alt tab or close the game in task manager, a compete freeze up that requires and hard reboot.

They can also do things to your game that prevents you from joining other servers, and it won't stop unless you completely exit the game and restart it.

What makes all of that so much worse, is the loading screens are the worst I've ever experienced in any game, ever. Even with an SDD, it can still take up to 5-10 minutes just to load into multiplayer and start playing. When you get booted or crashed every 15 min, that gets annoying real fucking fast.

Rockstar seriously doesn't give a shit, I've been in servers full of friends, and we all have identified hackers and mass reported them, we watched them on rockstar social, and months later they are still online playing, no repercussions whatsoever.

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