Rough night out with the boys

I have a sibling who rescued a hawk that had been likely hit by a car. It was knocked out but breathing. She put it in the car and took it to the vet. They would not treat or care for it and were quite insistent and treated her like she was nuts. Because it was a black vulture. So she huffed and puffed and indignantly put it back in her car and was off to look for a wildlife center. As she drove away, the vulture came around and was quite agitated and went apeshit inside her car and was flapping, biting and tearing at shit with it's talons. She pulled over and had to just sit there with the card doors open. But it wouldn't get out. County sheriff pulled up. She told him her story (this is Texas), and he looked at her confused as she related, and grabbed the bird by the neck and feet as she described it and then released it across the fence into a field. She asked the sherrif, do you think it will be okay? His response as he started to walk away, "With respect mam, don't know, don't care. Have a good'un."

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