Saw a Facebook friend share this un-ironically

Or, conversely, she's starved for attention and obsesses over the attention she gets on Instagram. One less like might be a 1% swing in average likes per pic. And he"s not the only "incel" that will do the same. To them it's funny because it's not a real currency and seems arbitrary. But to a twitch thot/titty streamer attitude, she's risking everything.

Think about like Britney spears dating kevin Federline. Remember when the carpet gave out all at once?

it's a'll a simulation so if the girl is genuinely happy with the bf she wont notice. But the main reason to farm the likes in the first place is the need for validation. And no one man can provide 100% of the equivalent. In which case she will notice the dip and is why its funny.

Because he knows hes tragically trapped in the same game. He provides that virtual validation but only that and wont ever cross the threshold into "bf". He has but one like to give. And he's withholding it.

Unless you take the game seriously the whole situation is pretty silly.

We're playing the same by upvoting this pic. But with a thin layer of abstraction and anonimity.

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