saw a school friend in professional porn, not sure how to react, details below

I get my porn from a site called manyvids, women film themselves and upload the video for sale on their marketplace.

I was browsing a few months ago and came across a user who is an old school friend. 'M'.

I wouldn't believe it of her, but i was concerned so i tried ot find M on facebook etc, just casually check in, see if she's doing alright. Except she's not on facebook and her old college email is defunct.

The real red flag came when i started chatting to her best mate from school, who says she hasn't heard from M in a year or so and that M hasn't been in contact with anyone for a while, at least as far as she knows.

M moved to california a few years ago for postgrad stuff. Last time both I and her former-bff heard from her she was starting a project (don't wanna be too specific for privacy reasons), self-employed, freelance type stuff that could very well have fallen flat.

I am aware that sex work is not a terrible thing, heck, i like manyvids because the women there seem to be pretty cool with what they're doing.

That said, I feel bad knowing that M's probably not living her dream life, that she might have felt finacially trapped, that she might have fallen out with her old friends, maybe even her parents.

Part of me want's to ask if she needs assistance financially, I don't know. I'm comfortable but i wasn't always. If she needs a flight home, a stay in rehab, rent or whatever, I'd be glad to help. Financial stress is brutal and there were a couple months after college I thought about pimping myself out for groceries. It was not a happy time.

Of course, M's a very intelligent, very well educated woman. She's always been fully self-determined and I don't want to disrespect what may have been an entirely happy decision by butting in.

Nor do i want to make her nervous about being 'exposed' or whatever, I'm not about to post this all to facebook but my only means of contacting M at this point would be via her porn email.

Sorry for posting this here trolls, I didn't know anywhere else on reddit that's not utterly infested with assholes.

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