Scientists are "very worried" that the melting of the Greenland ice sheet could accelerate and raise sea levels more than expected.

I think everybody needs to chill the hell out. The earth has changed tempurature many times in history. Whether it's supervolcanoes releasing methane. Or Meteors kicking up dust clouds which trap(or keep out) heat. Or if it's humans burning oil.

People see movies like "The Day After Tommorow", and think THAT is global warming. It's not. Global Warming, as predicted, will cause the seas to rise a FEW feet. It's not going to happen overnight.

Threats like nuclear warfare, REGULAR pollution(which causes the elveated cancer rates we see), poor nutrition, drug use, poor education, poor healthcare, illegal wars, and lying politicians/bankers are happening right now.

I feel people have got their view of the world out of whack. Global warming is bad(potentially). Losing your house is bad DEFINITELY('08 housing crisis). Getting addicted to heroin is bad DEFINITELY, and NOW. Nuclear war with Russia/China is WORLD ENDING, and VERY possible. Going over to fight in Iraq, for a war for oil that caused 1 million + casualties(then spilled over into Syria) is a REALITY that is happening RIGHT FUCKING NOW.

Yes, I get global warming sucks. And yes we should do everything to stop it(if it can be stopped). But people are acting like it's the #1 threat to humanity. Even in the WORST CASE scenario, global warming is no threat to humanity's existence. People may have to move a few miles from the coasts. But Syria, and Iraq have already suffered fates worse than ANYTHING global warming has to offer, in REALITY, RIGHT NOW.

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