Scumbag Emma Sulkowicz

That's quite the writeup in a short period. I will try to diligently address your points in the time I have left tonight.

That stuff really isn't a major factor. It may be for you, but the vast majority of people do not think about this on a daily basis. People who are "cisgendered" do not identify themselves by their sexuality. It is simply something we don't think about. Even for me, someone who is LGBT is unusual and worthy of notice simply because it is uncommon.

In truth, despite the vast amount of press the LGBT community receives today, you really just represent about 6% of the population. A true minority. That does NOT mean that your rights should be any less respected. It DOES mean that you will have to forge social alliances with those in power to get your rights recognized. I truly wish you success.

That having been said, what this woman and the university is doing to this young man is deplorable. The question of if a crime has been committed or not is not the question of a public forum, it is the subject of the courts. Rape accusations should no more be made public than abortion records. There is simply to much risk of damage. We should be erring on the side of caution when it comes to the accused in all cases.

If he is found guilty in a court of law, throw the book at him. That didn't happen though. This is EXACTLY why this should not be tried in a public forum.

I understand that you are defending women who have spoken out and been derided. This is not helping though. Let's assume that there was no rape here, as appears to be the case. Lumping false accusations in with legitimate cases does not strengthen the case, it weakens it. Dramatically.

Even if you have a valid point, bundling in a situation where an injustice has been committed (apparently) is really not helping. It allows those who stand against you to point and say "see? I told you so".

There are enough legitimate cases of sexual assault by criminals to not hold this liar up as some kind of poster child. Truly.

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