Season 9, Episode 5. Does current Babs not remember filming this and it airing? She must be Redacted’s bitchuva motha.

I watched my cousin cheat on her SO, who had raised her two children because both of their fathers were worthless. Gave them everything, and even went into thousands and thousands of dollars in debt to fund their lives. The person she cheated with was her pot dealer, and it went on for awhile. When he found out, she said it was because of his PTSD cause by his 4 trips to the desert, which he was on to try to stay in the same area as the rest of her family. She agreed to stop dating her dealer, but kept going to him for weed.

One day, a year or so after he caught her cheating and she confessed but never quit interacting with the dude, after couple and then individual therapy, her SO kissed her goodbye, told her he loved her, and went to work. 5 hours later she was served with divorce paperwork, and he never came back home. He had gotten another apartment, left everything, and changed his phone number/email/everything. People in his shop and his therapist helped him set it all up.

My cousin is too dense to realize her husband left her the same way abuse victims leave their spouse. She actually had the gall to try to fight him for his retirement benefits. That was when I stopped talking to her because I fucking couldn't anymore.

Good news is, she didn't get his benefits, and he's free of our crazy fucking family.

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