It seems many young men under 20 show up here to complain that they feel alone and undesirable, askmen- what do you have to say to these young men collectively?

There is nothing wrong with you. For years I felt inadequate. I had my first kiss, held hands romantically, and first romantic hug at 24. Women just go after different things when they're younger. One of them is older men, flash is another, money is another... I'm not saying all do; but that's what a large portion of women go after that when they're young. There's nothing wrong with that. Likewise men go after hot bimbos. Again, not all--just a larger portion of each gender's population. Eventually, both sides smarten up and chase different things.

So if you're not attracting women being yourself and you don't or cannot become the typical "alpha" guy a lot of women are attracted to when they're young then see the next paragraph.

Put women on your list last. I'm not saying to avoid them. But don't make them a priority. If one comes along or an opportunity presents itself, take it. But don't mope around or feel bad because you don't have women in your life.

Spend your time developing yourself. Jump-start your career, learn to be an effective-communicator which often times means become a good listener. Develop skill in many areas of your life.

Become self-sufficient--even if you live at home start learning how to become independent. Take control over your finances and save and spend your money wisely.

Take care of your body and develop it. You will have one opportunity to see what your body is truly capable of, and that's when you're young. Don't go nuts with drugs, alcohol or other practices which damage your body.

Lastly, become an emotionally stable individual. Develop and practice good habits regularly so you can maintain a good career, good relationships, a good home life, and good hobbies. Once you're content with everything mentioned then you will truly ready to bring someone into your life in a serious context. If not, that's okay, do whatever you want.

If you do everything i advise then women will start to come as you get older. Build value, and they will eventually come.

/r/AskMen Thread