[Serious] Americans of Reddit: In your opinion, how does the result of the Muller investigation will affect and/or effect Trump’s re-election bid in 2020?

Probably not that much.

To begin with, we haven't even seen the actual report, just a Trump stooge's summation of part of it. But pretend for a moment it actually did say that the Cheeto himself personally conspired with the Russian government. Would his supporters care? No, they wouldn't.

The challenges Trump will face in 2020 will be an energized Democratic base, and winning Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania again. What's more is that no matter who is President, we're probably looking at a recession this year or next, and that doesn't tend to favor incumbents.

Of course, if he looses the popular vote by an even wider margin but wins the election, that shouldn't be too surprising either.

/r/AskReddit Thread