[Serious] Any success stories of getting back together with an ex? What do you think made it successful?

We stopped seeing each other entirely for around ~3mo. Lots of complicated external factors and over-thought internal feelings kind of created a perfect storm and we just couldn't really hash things out productively, and we didn't really want to fuck things up beyond repair.

I started seeing someone else casually, and after I started speaking with my current partner again, dated both at a comfortable distance (BOTH OF THEM KNEW - I'M NOT A MONSTER). Broke up with casual guy around late November of that year because I was clearly still fucked up in love with my current partner.

We went out of town together in January for a week of the following year, had a really dramatic, movie-style, we-should-be-together, drunk-in-Brooklyn, just-saw-Chicago-starring-Mel-B-and-it-was-weird, argument... and we've been really solid since then! Yay.

/r/AskWomen Thread