'serious conversation' If people are going to be imprisoned for Holocaust denial, shouldn't the rules be more 'black & white', i.e. If I think less than 1 million died, am I a denier?, If I think 6 million died, but not by gassing, do I deny?

"As we have been discussing, "trustworthy sources" are a subjective concept when views are so entrenched, and where an independent historical analysis of the holocaust is a criminal act." Cheap excuses. Many documents are publicly accessible.

Robert faurrison: Faurisson was fined by a French court in 1983, for having declared that "Hitler never ordered nor permitted that anyone be killed by reason of his race or religion."[1][6][7]

Faurisson was charged again in a trial on 11 July 2006. He was accused of denying the Holocaust in an interview with the Iranian television station "Sahar 1" in February 2005. On 3 October 2006, he was given a three-month probationary sentence and fined €7,500 for this offence.[12] In December 2006, Faurisson gave a speech at the International Conference to Review the Global Vision of the Holocaust, which was sponsored by the government of Iran.[13] He repeated his theories about gas chambers[14] and said that for the past 32 years, he has been waiting for someone to show him just one of those chambers.[15]

He was a student of French, Latin and Greek.

In 1978, Faurisson authored a French-language text, "The Diary of Anne Frank — Is It Authentic?".[4] It appeared in Dutch-language translation in 1985, with the modified title, "The Diary of Anne Frank — A Forgery".[4] The text questioned various elements of the Diary of Anne Frank, including the use of a vacuum cleaner by the family while in hiding. Faurisson continued,

"Vacuum cleaners at that time were exceptionally noisy. I must ask: 'Is this credible?' My question is not just a formality. It is not rhetorical. Its purpose is not to astonish. My question is simply a question. An answer will have to be found."[4]

Faurisson interviewed Otto Frank in researching the article, though much of what Faurisson asserted Frank had said was later contradicted by Frank himself.[4] Faurisson's writing on the subject first came into the spotlight during a court case between Otto Frank and Heinz Roth, a publishing-house owner responsible for the circulation of various neo-Nazi writings, including several publications impugning the authenticity of Anne Frank's diary; Faurisson's writing on the subject was entered into the court record as an expert opinion in defense of Roth.[4] The 1978 finding of the court was that Roth must refrain from publishing any further reading material claiming the diary was a fraud.[4]



He knew he would be executed anyways so why giving a wrong confession?

Dont waste your breath anymore you won't drag me into this swamp. Bye.

He also denied the existence of gas chambers.

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